Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Vocab #3 Fall

1.) Accomplice: a person who knowingly helps another is doing something wrong and not right; crimes

2.) Annihilate: to make non-existing

3.) Arbitrary: subject to individual will without any restrictions

4.) Brazen: shameless; not caring in any way

5.) Catalyst: a person who participates in a certain change or event

6.) Exodus: a departure

7.) Facilitate: to make less difficult

8.) Incorrigible: bad beyond correction

9.) Latent: not visible

10.) Militant: vicious and/or aggressive

11.) Morose: gloomily or bad humored

12.) Opaque: non transparent or translucent

13.) Paramount: above others in rank or class

14.) Prattle: to talk in foolish or simple-minded way

15.) Rebut: to oppose by proof

16.) Reprimand: severe or bondage of any kind

17.) Servitude: rebuke or reproof

18.) Slapdash: hasty

19.) Stagnant: non flowing and non running

20.) Succumb: to give way to superior force 

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