Friday, October 25, 2013

Literature Analysis #3

1.) A- My book is about a 13 year-old girl who is named Bethany Hamilton. Bethany is a champion surfer who has loved the water since she was a young girl. After an amazing night out surfing and what she thought would be a fun day in the water the next day, she is attacked by a shark and loses her arm. She is rushed to the ER and staying calm, remains her faith in god. They tell her they will be no way for her arm to be kept on and that the shark took it all. She now has to learn how  to surf with one hand and one arm. It will take her friends, family, and her Christian faith to get her back into the water, but if that is where she is meant to be, she will find a way to get through recovery and get back in the water. B- All in all this is about a young girl who never loses her dream, keeps reaching for the stars and never gives up. 

2.) I feel that the author chose to write about this story and topic because this could be very influential to many other young girls not only young girls but anyone in this world.

3.)I chose to write about this book because I really do enjoy this book a lot and I think it teaches you something every young human should know, which is to never give up on yourself and always keep reaching for the stars.

4.) Yes, I know this book was realistic because this did happen in real life and if you think about it this could happen to anyone in almost any circumstance not only just in the ocean with a shark and a young 13 year-old girl. 


1.) She chose to write about this book because like I said, this could influence others a lot and really could  change someones life.

2.) Cheri Hamilton- This is the mom of Bethany and I really feel that she is an important character because this is the lady that kept Beth going. I felt like she was always pushing Bethany to her outer limits and she knew what she was capable of.
Tom Hamilton- This is the dad of Bethany and he does play a huge part in this book because a lot like me, Bethany and her dad are very close and Beth looks up to her dad very much so when her dad stayed by her side and helped her with everything that he possibly could, it really meant a lot to her a helped keep her going. 

3.) These two people just have a very interested and sweet personality which makes them much easier to talk and to write about.


1.) No, I do not see that anywhere in this book that the author uses any type of foreshadowing or shows or demonstrates any type of fiction writing.

2.) The author focuses more on action because she knows that that is the most important part in this book. No one would have really felt the emotion if it wasn’t showed.
3.) I think the author had a  very loving and sweet attitude towards these characters and most of all Bethany because of all that had happened to her and I feel that she really gives her a lot of credit throughout the story because she is so competitive and does not take no for an answer. 

4.) She shows more of actions and explains why Bethany and the other characters are doing what they are doing and what it really takes to become successful again for Bethany. 

5.) The other did not refer anything as in interview or historical document which makes this very hard to tell from this.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vocab #8 Fall

1.)Cursory-hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed

2.)Impetus-a force or energy with which a body moves 

3.)Pinnacle-the most successful point

4.)Contumely-insolent or insulting language or treatment

5.)Bereavement-be deprived of a loved one through a profound absence, esp. due to the loved ones

6.)Cache-a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place

7.)Consummation-the point at which something is complete or finalized

8.)Calamity- an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress, a disaster

9.)Avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain

10.)Fortify- increase the nutritive value of foot esp. with vitamins 

11.)Erratic- not even or regualr in pattern or movement 

12.)Ubiquitous- present, appearing or found everywhere 

13.)Fortitude-courage in pain or adversity

14.)Nonchalant-not displaying anxiety, interest or enthusiasm 

15.)Affect- to make a difference on something or someone

16.)Effect-change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

17.)Misappropriate-dishonest or unfairly take 

18.)Pragmatic-dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical 

19.)Metacognition-awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes

20.)Devoutly- having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment

Monday, October 14, 2013

Value Of Learning/Value Of Life

I really feel that the group we have put together ourselves consisting Summer Morgan, Paige Logan, Tiana McMann, and Alyssa Barajas will be very hard working and learn a lot through this time we are given to do this in class. Our plan is to get one section and one assignment done every day so all in all we will be able to complete three different assessments in the matter of three days while you are gone. We are going to focus on also helping not just ourselves but others as well who maybe have questions and we are hoping if we have any questions we will be able to get input from others in the class as well.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Melancholy Grad

To my graduating class of 2014,
        I sure have a lot to say about these past few years... Where we have been, what we have been through, the reasons for some of our actions, the struggles over the past years and always the most important; what it takes to overcome the struggles. Now, I am sure all of us have different answers for these different questions but all in all I think they are around the same subject.

       In the past, we have all had those days where we wake up at 6:30-7:00 am to wind blowing, rain hitting the windows and the news channel in your parents room saying, "Well folks, it looks like its going to be a rainy day out there today." Yeah, I think I can speak for everyone in this situation. Those are the types of days where you just really do not want to get out of bed and you just want to watch movies, blankets on, hot chocolate in your right hand. But not all of us would choose to do that. Some of students had no problem getting up at that time no matter what kind of day it is they are ready to work and to learn.

        As we look back, I am sure we all have had a time or times where we wish we could go back and change the way things went or how the result came out. There will also be the times where we look back and say, "My goodness, that was a blast," like we could remember that date and the time like the back of our hands. All of us I can speak for everyone I am sure have had our good and bad days both. The biggest thing is to have more positive than negative in life and if that is the case then you know you are doing okay.

      All in all, each and everyone of you have made an impression and a last thought in this school and I want to thank everyone for such an amazing four years at this amazing school. Even the times when we were trying to go against something or the times we would try to change the rules; we all stuck together as one and I couldn't thank each and everyone of you ladies and gentlemen enough! Class of 2014, you will never be forgotten!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vocab #7 Fall

1.)Cursory-hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed

2.)Impetus-a force or energy with which a body moves 

3.)Pinnacle-the most successful point

4.)Contumely-insolent or insulting language or treatment

5.)Bereavement-be deprived of a loved one through a profound absence, esp. due to the loved ones

6.)Cache-a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place

7.)Consummation-the point at which something is complete or finalized

8.)Calamity- an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress, a disaster

9.)Avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain

10.)Fortify- increase the nutritive value of foot esp. with vitamins 

11.)Erratic- not even or regualr in pattern or movement 

12.)Ubiquitous- present, appearing or found everywhere 

13.)Fortitude-courage in pain or adversity

14.)Nonchalant-not displaying anxiety, interest or enthusiasm 

15.)Affect- to make a difference on something or someone

16.)Effect-change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

17.)Misappropriate-dishonest or unfairly take 

18.)Pragmatic-dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical 

19.)Metacognition-awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes

20.)Devoutly- having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment

To Be Or Not To Be

To act or just to stay back and watch. 
Should I just sit back and watch and let this happen or should I step forward and do what I really feel should be done and what he deserves to be done to him.
No more heart aches for those that had to be involved in the death of his father and now have to witness the marriage of the uncle to the mother.
Should we really dread something after death, should I kill my uncle and get in trouble but keep him from the throne or should I let him go and do this.
(Had a hard time understanding the ending of this)
B.) I believe in to act on what you know to be true in order to hold yourself in higher esteem because I really do believe that a person should be able to speak their mind no matter what anyone says or does. Everyone needs to know that they have the freedom of speech and they need to understand how and when to put it into play.
C.) The path I will take in life it to speak my mind no matter what time it is, if it is wrong or right and to always let people know what is right and what is wrong because I believe that is how people solve problems and even though someone may not appriciate it at the time, they will look back years later and realize how much you helped them out.